The reader drops you off into Cassandra's cramped prison and you get a taste of the caged and always monitored suffering this teenager has gone through for eight long years. Gripping and suspenseful, Murphrey always keeps you interested and guessing what will happen next. I could barely put this book down! When Cassandra gets rescued rather unexpectedly and taken to live with an uncle she wasn't aware she had things become even more mysterious. Cass finds out she belongs to an evolved race of humans called Weavers and that the man who had her imprisoned is the equivalent to a soul eater, stealing the bodies of Weaver's to prolong his own life. She having been on the most recent menu. On top of that, not everyone is happy about the circumstances involving her rescue. The Weaver's Council has made it clear that she is on the outs and they are debating whether or not to keep her around and Cass isn't all that she appears. There are so many avenues where this story can be taken, I can't wait to read the next book in this series, Changeling.
(Warning: May contain slight spoilers)
To be fair I got this book as an advance and had to read it for work and the summary on the advance wasn't the greatest. It actually reminded me of a YA trashy romance novel, and I -hate- romance novels. So you can see where I'm coming from, figuring the book wouldn't be that great. In the beginning it was comparable to the Twilight series which I also really hate, with Adrian being 'untouchable and gorgeous' but that's about the only similarity aside from obvious vampire-ness that's in common.
I was pleasantly surprised by the turn of events in the book, unless you read the little blurb on the back of the book you didn't realize Adrian (the vampire-demon) was a vampire until about a quarter of the way through the book. The way in which Caitlin found about his otherness was intriguing as well and you were always waiting to see when the bad-guy would actually turn up.
Still comparing this to the Twilight series I feel this book did a far better representation of a vampire-human love interest. Adrian was far less creepy than Edward always made me feel and Adrian was more conflicted actually struggling with his responsibilities and interests in Caitlin where as Edward seemed all statue-controlling-asshole-ish to me. Caitlin was sassy and not as insecure and soft-spoken as Bella always seemed to be. Actually there was so much banter between Adrian and Caitlin that that alone made the story interesting.
I really liked this book and definitely recommend you to read this. Though - I'd wait till it comes out because the advance has a lot of spelling and grammar errors. <3
This is perhaps my favorite book of the year thus far. It sort of reminds me of Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series but branches out in different, unique and exciting ways. It kind of compares to the beauty and the beast vibe but again takes a completely different avenue so you're not stuck with that same cliché. It's the world of fae, and has a darker fantasy feel. Personally, I believe this new series will be better than Sarah's Throne of Glass series and I can't wait for the next novels in the series to come out!